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Stop Stickerweed Before It’s Too Late

Stop Stickerweed Before It’s Too Late

Nothing spoils a nice barefooted walk through the lawn more than stickerweed. Also known as spurweed, stickers or burweed, seeds germinate in the fall and winter months in lawns, particularly where the turf is thin or patchy. When lawns go dormant in the winter, weed problems become evident. Green growth in a brown lawn is a major clue that your lawn is in need of weed control. Good lawn weed control starts in the winter. However, the best control starts now — in October and November. Fall and winter are a good time to apply herbicides in warmseason turfgrasses because they are going dormant and because the lower temperatures decrease turfgrass sensitivity to herbicide damage.

Child ID Kits: Keeping Louisiana’s Children Safe

Across the country, over half a million children go missing each year. Even worse, 25% of all human trafficking cases include a child, and children from minority populations are three times more likely to be abducted or go missing. Of course, if you suddenly found yourself in this unimaginable and horrifying situation, the statistics would be worse than irrelevant – they would be reducing your child to a number, on a list you’d never dreamed they’d be on.

Ready, Set, Grow - Wildlife Field Day

Ready, Set, Grow - Wildlife Field Day

 On Thursday, October 27th the LSU AgCenter, with sponsorship from St. James Farm Bureau, is hosting a Wildlife Field Day. It’s free to the public and will include a food plot display, educational talks, and a demonstration on proper butchering of large game using a deer as our model. It ends with free supper, so I’m expecting a crowd.


News Examiner-Enterprise

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Lutcher, LA 70071
PH: (225) 869-5784